Open accessed and freely distributed datasets could foster a positive communication culture and advance scientific development. This page contains all published datasets in my research. I try to include all the detailed information of the datasets as clearly as I can. However, potential users are recommended to contact me to discuss the possible applications of the datasets before using them in your research.
Some datasets in my ongoing projects are also available to share. Currently working on a global high-resolution dust emission inventory. Contact me for further possible collaborations.
Historical PM2.5 estimates across North America
This dataset is the estimated long-term (1981-2016) concentrations of ambient fine particulate matter across North America, which combines information from chemical transport modeling, satellite remote sensing, and ground-based monitoring. The estimates included information from updated historical emissions inventories and meteorological data, fine resolution satellite-based estimates of PM2.5, and ground-based measurements of PM2.5, PM10, and total suspended particles (TSP) measurements.
You can access the dataset in NetCDF format at this Link. Please contact Jun Meng ( if you have more questions.
Meng, J., Li, C., Martin, R.V., van Donkelaar, A., Hystad, P., Brauer, M., 2019. Estimated Long-term (1981-2016) Concentrations of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter across North America from Chemical Transport Modeling, Satellite Remote Sensing, and Ground-based Measurements. Environ. Sci. Technol. [Link]
High-Resolution Dust Emission Inventory
Offline high-resolution dust emissions driven by native high-resolution meteorological fields are generated to harmonize dust emissions across simulations of different resolutions using GEOS-Chem. The emission inventory has been deposited to Zenodo (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4060248). This work is published on Geoscientific Model Development. Contact me for more information.